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A little more about me....

I started my nursing career at Northampton General Hospital in 2002, having wanted to be a Nurse for many years, firstly I needed to get over my fear of blood before taking the next step. A few months of working in ENT theatres and a very supportive Matron led to my fears being conquered (makes me smile now!) and I was on my way to Birmingham as a very young Student Nurse.
I undertook my training mainly at the Queen Elizabeth hospital where I landed my first post as a Registered Nurse, working in Liver transplantation. I didn’t really realise how lucky I was to have such experiences to consolidate my training, one day I would be ward based, next day in High Dependency, even zooming around the country to support organ retrieval.
I stayed in Birmingham and gained more experience in A&E, Oncology and later became a District Nurse until my first son Jacob arrived and I decided it was time to come home to Northampton.
When home I worked in A&E, fitting shifts in around childcare before moving onto school nursing for several years.
In 2017 I undertook my Aesthetic training in London and have never looked back. In 2019 I went back to university to complete the Independent Nurse Prescriber course to enable the best client journey as well as enabling me to be the safest practitioner I can be.
I have been very fortune to have been trained by the very best companies and experts in the field and I have a passion to continue to grow and learn, keeping up to date with my mandatory clinical training as well as industry product training to ensure I am always current, safe and effective.
In 2020 shortly after having my second son Albie, I opened my own clinic, No. 56 which has given me flexibility, autonomy and the most perfect work life balance later welcomed Elsie into the world in September 2021.
I pride myself on my relationships with my clients, and enhancing natural beauty, no overselling or unnatural results.

Thank you for passing by, I hope to meet you soon.

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